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Are College Students Allowed to Carry Stun Guns?



Parents who will see their kids off to college can have a difficult time trying to let go. It will be challenging to have your kids live so far away from you. Most of these parents might be worried about their kids and their kids' safety.

And so, this is where the idea of arming their kids would come in. As you can't allow your child to carry a gun, you can go for less harmful but effective means of self-defense. This can be accomplished with the help of stun guns.

The first thing that you have to consider is whether or not it is legal to carry a stun gun in your area. There will be differences in rules and laws per country or state. There can be those that allow any civilian to carry a stun gun. There are also those that only law enforcers are allowed. And at the same time, there are countries that prohibit stun guns even for the use of their law enforcers.

Before you plan on providing your college kid with one, you first have to ascertain that your country or locality allows for the ownership and usage of the stun gun.

Look for a reputable shop where you will purchase the device. You have to make sure that the supplier can be trusted and only offers top quality items. You do not want accidents to happen because of a dysfunctional stun gun. Furthermore, the item might not work when you will need it the most.

Before you allow your child to bring one with him or her, you have to ensure that you have taught him/her well regarding how to use the device. The package will come with instructions. However, you also have to inform your child with the things that he or she should be doing to ensure their safety and the safety of other people. Stun guns should be used properly. There can be accidents that will arise from improper usage like in delivering too much electrical impulses to an attacker. Even though this device is designed to only cause temporary damage, permanent injuries or even death can still result.

You should take note of the maturity and the age of your child. Based on your assessment will your child be able to responsibly carry a stun gun and only use it for self-defense and not to harm another person for another reason? How your child behaves when it comes to his or her belongings will likewise play a part in determining whether your college student can carry this device. Other people like dorm mates or roommates can gain access to this device. And the result might not be positive.

Aside from equipping your child with this device, it might be necessary for him/her to learn a few fighting methods. He or she doesn't have to be an expert in a certain type of martial arts. But, learning how to use these moves to protect the body will already be beneficial.

Cori N. Baker enjoys writing for Beststungun.com which sells stun gun and taser as well as a host of additional products.


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